What is Scoopify?
Scoopify is a new kind of digital platform that connects professional producers of text content with companies that need content production. Scoopify's goal is to provide a place where it is efficient and quick to find the right writer for every need.
According to Toni Lehmusvaara , founder of Scoopify, the idea was born when it was discovered that the market for freelance writers was ragged and difficult to navigate.
"The need for content production in marketing is constantly growing. However, finding a suitable writer for companies can be difficult as there is no place to meet. Scoopify is trying to fix this problem and aims to offer the so-called "win-win" situation to both parties," Lehmusvaara says.
Once the online service had been launched, the next goal was to get companies to try out the new service. However, attracting companies to a new platform proved to be more challenging than expected for a fresh company like Scoopify. The small and busy team didn't seem to have enough time for everything. Hiring new staff did not seem like a good idea either.
Sellai was asked to help with the uncertainties surrounding the sales. Having strong industry experience, Sellai prospected decision-makers from its network and industry, contacted them independently and met potential customers. At times, representatives of Scoopify also attended the meetings. As a result of efficient and intensive work, customers could be better understood.

Sellai gave a boost to the sales work
Together, Scoopify and Sellai managed to identify the bottleneck in sales work and take steps to fix it. Originally the cooperation was supposed to be a sales project lasting a few months, but after a positive experience, the cooperation was extended and made permanent.
"The biggest challenge in the sales work of the Scoopify platform was changing the established ways of companies. Introducing new systems and services can seem difficult at first, even if it saves time and money in the long run. Sellai helped us to acquire assignments and organise efficient customer demos, where we were able to show in practice how easy it really is to place orders through Scoopify," Lehmusvaara described the companies' joint operations.
With the help of the sales boost received from Sellai and the information it generated, the sales started to shift to a whole new level.
"In connection with the initial workshops, we thought about customers from the buyer's point of view and prepared for possible objections that customers might raise. We made a playbook for Scoopify and validated our assumptions. It was important to learn which assumptions were correct and which were wrong. In addition, we got ideas on how to modify the product even better," Lehmusvaara lists.
The ultimate success with Scoopify has been the proven notion that the service serves as a platform for very different writing assignments. Some of the writing assignments have been up to months long, and the writer has been producing content over long period of time. In some cases there have been smaller gigs that require content production on a fast schedule. Scoopify's wide range of skilled writers offer a suitable content producer for every occasion.
Lehmusvaara is satisfied with the operation of the platform: "We are excited about how well Scoopify can meet the different needs of subscriber companies."
Next step: towards the international market
Now that Scoopify has found its place in the domestic market, there is a lot of pressure for growth. Scoopify's idea is to be exported to the international market next. Sellai will also be involved in Scoopify's next big step. The cooperation will draw on the previous experience of Sellai's employees. For example, Olivia, who was closely involved in the sales project, has previously worked at Google's Silicon Valley headquarters. A step abroad is also a part of Sellai's own growth strategy.
"Sellai and I have already discussed what kind of challenges becoming international might present. We are going to invest in locality – a Spanish company, for example, probably wants to hire a Spanish writer. We offer a platform to make this possible," Lehmusvaara says. "We are all excited about the development of Scoopify and the fact that we can shape the market with a new kind of service that benefits both content providers and businesses."
Lehmusvaara and the entire Scoopify team have been satisfied with Sellai as a partner. "Sellai immediately understood what Scoopify was all about and what Scoopify's challenges were. Sellai's team has strong expertise and the cooperation has been clearly beneficial to us. That's why Sellai and Scoopify's cooperation will continue in the future."
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